Application Notes

BlackBird V2: Modern Plant Breeding

Plant breeding is currently facing numerous challenges, which are being exacerbated by climate change. Increased temperatures, water scarcity and diseases pose a serious challenge …

Hyperspectral Imaging Application Note on Almonds by HAIP Solutions

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 Max: Detection of Undesired Components in the Almond Production

Almonds, the edible seeds of the Prunus dulcis tree, have been prized for …

Application Note concerning hyperspectral imaging - rice x plastic

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 / Max: Foreign Objects in Rice​

Rice plays an essential social and economic role worldwide as a staple food and commodity. Almost a third of the world‘s …

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 Pro Max: Sorting Industrial Minerals | Case Study: Calcites

Natural minerals are finite goods on Earth. Nonetheless, the demand of minerals for the construction industry …

Application Note concerning hyperspectral imaging - plastic flakes

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 / Max: Recycling - Plastic Flakes

The earth has a massive problem with plastic waste. Over 400 million tons of plastic are produced …

Application Note concerning hyperspectral imaging - plastic detection

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 / Max: Plastic Detection in the SWIR Range​

The success of recycling largely depends on the purity of the input material. This is …

hyperspectral imaging application note environmental monitoring

BlackBird V2: Restoring Natural Habitats

Facing nowadays challenges of climate change, the need to secure a greener future is constantly  …

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