Research Projects
Hyperspectral Imaging
Entwicklung einer hyperspektralen Messplattform zur Schadsymptomerkennung im geschützten Tomatenanbau
Development of a hyperspectral measurement platform for pest symptom detection in protected tomato cultivation
The subject of the joint project is the development of a hyperspectral measurement platform for fully autonomous pest symptom detection of the most important pests, diseases and stress symptoms in protected tomato cultivation. The directly evaluated probability of infestation of various harmful organisms is to be made available to the user in a user-friendly interface in the form of an app. The innovation of the technology lies in the combination of a self-propelled platform already established on the market with the hyperspectral measurement module to be developed, including the implementation of corresponding algorithms.
The aim of the joint project is a minimum viable product (MVP) for practical use in soilless greenhouses. With the help of the envisaged system, the previously manual monitoring should be decoupled from the actual work processes and the grower should receive early warnings when a pest symptom occurs. In this way, the project contributes to a more targeted use of personnel and reduced use of plant protection.

Key Facts
- Project duration: 01/2024 – 12/2026
- Funding measure: Program for the promotion of innovation of the BMEL
- Project partners: Julius Kühn Institute Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Wolution GmbH & Co. KG, HAIP Solutions GmbH
Involved HAIP Products

BlackIndustry VNIR V2
500-1000 nm wavelength range

BlackBright VNIR LED Bar
430 -1050 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral imaging software
Project Partners

Our Joint Research Project "EMSig"
The EMSig project, which runs from April 2024 to March 2027, focuses on the development of a hyperspectral measurement platform for the detection …