Research Projects

Hyperspectral Imaging


Detektion von Kunststoff-Teilchen in der Lebensmittelproduktion

Detection of plastic particles in food production

The aim of the KMU innovation project DeteKTiL is the developement of a detection system that is able to recognize transparent plastic parts via their chemical structure in the infrared range. For this purpose, a conveyor belt system is being designed that ensures an optimally illuminated 360° scan of the food in the process and thus simultaneously enables the detection of the chemical-physical structure of foreign particles by means of a spectral camera and thus ensures their automatic ejection.

The overriding added value of this project is the reduction in the number of product recalls. This results in a lower health risk for consumers (no ingestion of plastic particles), an economic advantage for companies and CO2 savings due to less faulty production, destruction of food with foreign bodies and less logistical effort.

Key Facts

  • Project duration: 01/2024 – 12/2025
  • Funding measure: KMU innovativ – Production Research in the program “Future of Value Creation” of the BMBF
  • Project partners: CLK GmbH – Bildverarbeitung & Robotik, Singer & Sohn GmbH – Förderanlagen- und Maschinenbau, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (THN), HAIP Solutions GmbH

Involved HAIP Products

Hyperspectral camera called BlackIndustry VNIR V2 manufactured by HAIP Solutions. Hyperspectral imaging systems and cameras​


500-1000 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral camera called BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 manufactured by HAIP Solutions

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7

900-1730 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral imaging software called BlackStudio by HAIP Solutions


Hyperspectral imaging software

Project Partners

Funded by

BMBF und HAIP Solutions
Funding number: 02P23K031


storage room


Our joint research project “DeteKTiL"

“DeteKTiL“ stands for “Detection of Plastic Particles in Food Production” and is a research and development project within the Bundesministerium für Bildung und …

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